Author Topic: Windows UI "buttons toolbar" out of bounds  (Read 1140 times)

Offline cionki

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Windows UI "buttons toolbar" out of bounds
« on: 2017 August 07 23:52:19 »
Hi I found a strange behaviour of the UI of pixinsight 1.8.5. I was trying to understand why when I open an image the windows size of Pixinsight grows and goes out of bounds (I think that I found a post here on the forum with possible solutions for that). But trying several clicks around the interface I think that I found a bug of the same "family".
Trying to resize the windows the interface goes out of the bounds of screen hiding also the top bar, I tried several times it's repeatable, it seems that the first time that the bug occours the interface return normal by going with the mouse over the menu bar, the second time that the bug happen it seems not recoverable... I made a video showing the issue, it's not listed so only who has the link can see it.

« Last Edit: 2017 August 08 23:08:32 by cionki »

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Windows UI "buttons toolbar" out of bounds
« Reply #1 on: 2017 August 08 00:24:03 »

To use PixInsight on your laptop, you'll have to hide at least one of the AutoHide windows (the vertical tabs at the left side of the application's window). For example, select View > Explorer Windows > Object Explorer to hide the Object Explorer window. This should be sufficient to fit the application within your screen.

The minimum supported resolution is 1920x1080 pixels (see System Requirements). This refers to logical pixels. If your laptop has a Retina display, divide the physical screen resolution by two to get resolution in logical pixels.

Let me know if this helps.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline cionki

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Re: Windows UI "buttons toolbar" out of bounds
« Reply #2 on: 2017 August 08 03:44:21 »
Ok I will try it, if you saw the video, I will remove the it (so we avoid unecessary "bad advertisement videos" going around the internet).

EDIT: removing one panel solves completely the problem. Thank you

Thank You