Hi Rob,
I don't know how to check the mean of a frames?
I tried the Pixelmath expression on one of the individual bias frames (before integrating lots of them together) and got the following:
[b]PixelMath: Processing view: _3
Writing swap files...
361.992 MiB/s
Executing PixelMath expression: combined RGB/K channels: iif($T==0,1,0): done
Truncating to [0,1]: done
139.786 ms
Then I tried on one of the light frames (before any calibration) and got the following:
PixelMath: Processing view: M1_6X15_SECS_GAIN_7_5_c
Writing swap files...
1112.305 MiB/s
Executing PixelMath expression: combined RGB/K channels: iif($T==0,1,0): done
Truncating to [0,1]: done
137.501 ms
No idea what these mean?
My actual problem is that I can't integrate the individual bias frames together into a single master, this is the error I get:
C:/Users/Dave/Documents/MALLINCAMSKY/NEW BIAS FRAMES/1.fit
* Retrieved data from file cache.
*** Error: C:/Users/Dave/Documents/MALLINCAMSKY/NEW BIAS FRAMES/1.fit: Zero or insignificant signal detected (empty image?)
<* failed *>
I tried redoing the integration with the scale estimator set to Percentage bend variance and average absolute deviation from the median (instead of the itertaive-K sigma default) and it worked - the end result after integrating 40 bias frames was as follows:
MRS noise evaluation: done
Computing noise scaling factors: done
Gaussian noise estimates : 3.2578e-04 3.7177e-04 2.9596e-04
Scale estimates : 5.6437e-04 1.3869e-03 6.3475e-04
Location estimates : 3.1943e-02 2.9755e-02 3.9211e-02
SNR estimates : 9.6253e+03 6.2007e+03 1.7424e+04
Reference noise reduction : inf inf inf
Median noise reduction : inf inf inf
It all seems to work, is this ok?