I was wondering what 'exactly' the role is of luminance in RGB and more specifically how the combination technically works. I understand the Luminance is for the details in the image, but does it work as an 'intensity guide' for the color or does/can it work as a mask as well?
Reason I'm asking:
I'll be using a duo setup soon (in Namibia) where I use a monochrome DSLR in combination with a color (modded) DSLR. The monochrome will be used on a better scope. This doesn't matter much I'd say, as the other scope is mainly used for the color and not the details anyway. However, I'm wondering how this will work with stars. Obviously the narrowband/luminance images will have tighter stars and I would want to use that as profile.
I thought I could create a luminance from Ha and OIII (or simply take the luminance image when shooting L) and use that as mask to combine the L with RGB using Pixelmath. (similar as how you'd use RGB stars in a NB image).
That made me wonder if LRGBCombination is actually doing this already? If not, would you say this could work?