Author Topic: Aperture Photometry Script - star location or plate solve error?  (Read 1306 times)

Offline mcgillca

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Hi - I am trying to use the AperturePhotometry Script to calibrate my system using Landolt star fields.

I have found that in a couple of fields, the script things the stars are in slightly the wrong places, and hence not obtaining the correct flux.

I've included an example below.

The original fits file is at the location:

Any ideas?

Thank you,

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+

Offline Andres.Pozo

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AperturePhotometry works well for me in your image when using other catalogs so I think the problem is in the coordinates of the "II/183A Landolt" catalog. Since I download it from Vizier the same way as other catalogs I suspect the problem is at Vizier or in the source data of the catalog.

Offline mcgillca

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Thanks, Andres - I guess I can add manual objects with the correct RA and Dec - is there an easy way to work out the RA and DEC of an object once its been through your plate solving routine?

Paramount MX
Ikharos 8" Carbon Truss RC
Atik 460ex
Atik EFW2 with Baader LRGB and HA SII OIII
ONAG with Atik 314L+