Author Topic: Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect  (Read 22635 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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it took me a while to figure this out, maybe there are other new users who benefit from this too. When using real time preview to see the effect of for example ACDNR it can be useful to compare the before and after images to fine tune the parameters. Simply click on the 'show transformed image' icon top left of the RTP window. This 'blinks' the processed image and the original without recalculating.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline avastro

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Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect
« Reply #1 on: 2008 December 17 02:23:21 »
HI Sander,
I too discovered this by chance few time ago, Real Time Preview is a very interesting tool, I usually create few previews in my image to look the effects of a process in the stars, nebula or galaxy core, for example, then I like to jump from a preview to an other or to the whole image using the view selector  windows in the bottom left of RTP, allowing me to compare the result of a process in different place and to fine adjust the parameters.

Descubrí esto también por suerte hace poco tiempo, Real Time Preview es una herramienta muy interesante, Suelo crear varios preview en mi imagen en zonas sensibles como en estrellas, nebulosa o en el corazón de una galaxia por ejemplo, para verificar los efectos de un proceso. Luego utilizando la ventanilla de selección de imágenes en la parte inferior izquierda de RTP, paso de un preview a otro, o toda la imagen para verificar los efectos del proceso y ajustar refinadamente los parámetros.


Lentin Observatory

Offline Simon Hicks

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Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect
« Reply #2 on: 2008 December 17 02:31:16 »
Hi all,

I've just learnt some more tricks with the Previews. Sometimes I want to see the effect of two processes applied to a preview...maybe a deconvolution followed by a morphological transform. I could create a Process Container....but its easy just to grab the Preview tab at the side of the image and drag it onto the PI background...where it becomes a seperate parent image....quicker than a copy/paste new image. Then I can try out the two (or more) processes on the small area....and then when I am happy with the result I can reapply the processes to the parent image.

There's so many hidden little tricks in this program! I really like this Tips and Tricks section.  8)


Offline Nocturnal

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Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect
« Reply #3 on: 2008 December 17 05:43:47 »
Hi Antoine,

yes, previews were one of the key selling points of PI for me for exactly that reason.

Hi Simon,

I have created new images from previews a few times but not the way you just described. Good tip! That's a good way to find the right parameters for DSE as well which doesn't work on previews.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline Simon Hicks

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Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect
« Reply #4 on: 2008 December 17 06:03:00 »
Hi Sander,

Also, the StarMask module works on the whole parent image...even if you apply it to a Preview (Juan can explain why)....which is why it takes so long. So applying it to a small parent image (i.e. a drag and dropped preview) hugely speeds up the process of tuning the parameters.


Offline Nocturnal

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Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect
« Reply #5 on: 2008 December 17 06:13:05 »
Hi Simon,

that's indeed one of the processes where this makes a lot of sense. I've ran into that situation myself where I ended up creating quite a few masks before I got the desired effect (or gave up :) ). Using a separate small image, or several, would have helped save a lot of time. As would have a Core i7 based system of course :)

Edge HD 1100
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Offline avastro

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Using the real time preview window to see the processing effect
« Reply #6 on: 2008 December 18 01:47:04 »
Hi Sander and Simon,
I do the same thing, grabbing a preview to the background to apply process not permitting RTP.
If I apply two processes or more, I open the History Explorer Windows in the PI vertical left tool bar, I select a view in the bottom of the H E W then I click the corresponding process line and I look at the result in my image.
When a process allows RTP and a mask is applied to the image, It’s great to check the result of the process with or without the mask, this is possible clicking the second top left icon in the RTP windows. It’s very effective to check the efficiency of a mask.
Idem to see the process result in the different R,G or B layer using the corresponding icon just bellow in the RTP windows.


Lentin Observatory