Hey All,
Thought i would do a quick intro being the new boy on here..
I've been in the Astronomy way of life for a number of years doing visual - Various scopes over the years. I have now settled on only doing Astrophotography and compiled my rig over the summer last year. First images were taken in Dec last year - so i really am quite new to this.
Weather in the UK is not very kind when it comes to clear skies, so every opportunity is savoured.
Uptill now i have been using Photoshop and a few plugins along with other tools for processing etc.
Having read and watched so much on PI, it really was the logical step to take. I've been going through some of the basics but not as yet produced an image. However, M51 is getting alot of attention and will be my first try with PI to process.
I image using a SW Esprit 120, Atik 383L & EFW2, NEQ6 mount and the typical run of the mill ancils etc.
Looking forward to reading and watching more and learning the finer points of PI..
I'm an inquisitve type of person and beleive in asking questions no matter how silly it might sound.. Everyday is a school day as they say. Hopefully in time to come ill be able to contribute to others who are starting out.