Thanks for the nice reply. It is really appreciated. Just trying to learn PixInsight which I believe will be very good for me, once I understand it a bit more.
What I was trying to do,, more specifically - was to move the little veritcal bars on the taskbar. They separate the various functions and they are not where I want them. Yes I can click on them and move them but I can't get rid of them. That is waht I was really trying to do. Get rid of them.
Once before - I had the opportunity to reset the whole program by clickiing something. This was when I first started with PixInsight. It told me everything would be set back to original if I decided to go ahead. I did that and was happy with what it gave me.
Now that is what I really wanted. I CLICK something that would reset the whole program to its earliest begining.
Failing that, I will continue to hunt down the various functions found in the task bar, so I can either remove them or move them to a different spot.
Thanks again..