Author Topic: StarAlignment and Flat/Dark/Bias Files  (Read 2216 times)

Offline tgervais

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StarAlignment and Flat/Dark/Bias Files
« on: 2016 November 28 06:34:47 »
I just started to use StarAlignment under Process>ImageRegistration.
I used just my Llight files and things seemed to work. 

Now I have a bunch of Flat/Bias and Dark files and want to use them along with the Light files.  Do I just select ADD in StarAlignment and add all the files in that spot.  I mean all the Flat, Bias, Light and Dark files in one whole Bunch?


Offline gvanhau

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Re: StarAlignment and Flat/Dark/Bias Files
« Reply #1 on: 2016 November 28 07:31:17 »
You have to calibrate your light images prior to align them.

To do this, you have to intregrate your bias frames to generate a master bias.
Then you calibrate your darks and integrate them to generate a master dark.
Then you calibrate your flats and integrate them to generate a baster flat
Finally you calibrate your ligts using the previous masters.

An option is to use the Batch Processing Script where you can add the calibration frames to each seccion (bias, dark, flats and lights) and process them all together.


Geert Vanhauwaert

Offline aworonow

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Re: StarAlignment and Flat/Dark/Bias Files
« Reply #2 on: 2016 November 28 08:23:51 »
There are a lot of tutorials out there. I got started with those by Harry Page ( Pull down "Tutorials" and select "PixInsight Videos." Click "Newbies" then the image at the right. Might as well start with the first tutorial in the list, but your question is about Preprocessing (#3 in the list)

Cheers, Alex W.