Author Topic: Future of SplitCFA? Requires even-number-sized image, has no help file  (Read 1430 times)

Offline M Covington

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It appears that Preprocessing->SplitCFA has a long-standing "bug" or undocumented limitation, which is that the image dimensions must be even numbers.  Also, no documentation of this particular menu item comes up.

Are there plans to remedy this?

Offline IanL

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Most CFA images have even dimensions though don't they, since the Bayer filter matrix is typically an array of 2x2 filter elements?  Are there any cameras where this isn't the case?

It is entirely possible to end up with odd dimensions if the image is cropped prior to splitting it I suppose.

Offline bulrichl

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My Canon EOS 600D has width=5202 and height 3465 pixels. SplitCFA fails here, e. g.:

Open F:/Astro/170110/IMG_1578_c.xisf
Loading image: w=5202 h=3465 n=1 Gray Float32
Invalid odd image dimension(s): 5202x3465
Close F:/Astro/170110/IMG_1578_c.xisf

Of course you can circumvent this by appending a line at the bottom of the image via the Crop process (0, 0, 0, +1) previously, but you must pay attention not to muddle up the RGGB pattern in further processing, if you want to use MergeCFA later on.


Offline M Covington

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The Canon 60Da has odd-numbered dimensions.  So, presumably, does any other Canon 18-megapixel sensor of the same era.