Author Topic: Unable to uninstall old version of Pixinsight  (Read 571 times)

Offline dgroover

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Unable to uninstall old version of Pixinsight
« on: 2019 January 08 13:22:21 »
In trying to install the new release of Pixinsight 1.8.6 (Win 7 x64), as the update instructed, I went into Uninstall/Change and attempted to uninstall Pixinsight.  I received a message that "Astrophotography" was not a valid short file name and then it cancelled the uninstall.  I had the program installed in the following directory, D:\Astrophotography\Pixinsight.  I manually deleted all the "Pixinsight" files as well as any files pertaining to "Pleiades".  The program still shows up in Uninstall/Change listing, but will not allow me to delete.  I attempted to reinstall 1.8.5, but it will not allow me to do that either.  Does anyone have any recommendations?

I remembered that I had made a backup of this disk along with the license.  I restored the program to it's original location along with the license and the program now works.  This does not resolve the issue with me being able to uninstall the program so I can upgrade to 1.8.6, so I am still open to recommendations!
« Last Edit: 2019 January 09 13:59:33 by dgroover »