Dear All,
My name is Dominique and just subscribed to the forum.
I am a absolute beginner with Pixinsight, so i figured that the best way for me would be to start to learn how to pre-processe my image sets and take it from there. I shoot my images (subs bias dark and flat frames) on a modified Canon 6D. Last weekend I installed Pixinsight on my iMac Core i5 2,7GHz 16gb DDR3. I copied the folder to my application folder and started the program. All applications seem to be working and directly installed 18 updates.
Guided by the tutorial of Richard Bloch "calibration and stacking in pixinsight 1.8", is tried to give it a go.
The first step in this tutorial is to create a master bias frame. I opened imageintegration and loaded my first 240 bias frames. I took over all settings one on one that Richard showed in his tutorial (sigma clipping) and hit start button.
As the process is running, I found that my computer is getting slower and slower. My computer is able to load all images, but crashes/not responding when it starts to process the 3 integrating channels. This process takes about 3 hours.
As looking for what could have been wrong, I updated my iMac to Sierra and reinstalled the coresponding version of Pixinsight. The problem however reappears, so figured that i need some help. As I am writing this I am trying to reduce the buffer size from 16mb to 10mb, and hope that helps. As it looks that the program is taking a lot of my memory, is there someone that can help me with optimizing my settings, in order that the process might be slower, but my computer is still usable.