Author Topic: How much can Drizzle Integration help for too big pixels?  (Read 2537 times)

Offline hattl

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Hello together,

until now I have no practical experience with drizzle integration. I have read several posts about this topic, and I know that the main purpose is to compensate for undersampled data. But I am not sure about about the limits of this capability.

The background of my question is the following, and it would be very nice, if I could get some advice:

In the next time I want to upgrade my CCD equipement. I am currently using a KAF-8300 based CCD (5.4 micron pixels) with a FSQ85, but now I want to have a bigger sensor.

I was considering to go for a KAF-16200 based camera. This chip has 6.0 micron pixels which gives me a resolution of 2.75 arcsec/pixels. So far I have investigated this would be an appropriate resolution - although it might be already a little bit too low.

Now I was thinking about the KAI 11002 sensor, which would have the optimum sensor size for the FSQ85. But unfortunatly this chip has a pixel size of 9 micron, which gives me a resolution of 4.12 arcsec/pixel. I am afraid this resolution is much too low. But I am not sure how much drizzle integration can help for this.

What would you recommend?

In advance, thanks a lot for your input.

Best regards


Offline mschuster

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Re: How much can Drizzle Integration help for too big pixels?
« Reply #1 on: 2016 October 18 23:02:15 »
Maybe you could use your 8300 and capture the same target both binned and unbinned. Then drizzle the binned and compare? This might give a sense on how well it might work with new equipment.

I run 4.2 arcsec/pixel Ha with FSQ106/8300 binned 2x2, binned primarily to get better dim Ha SNR, usually 20 to 30 subs 40 min each. Drizzle does make for better stars, but dim signal SNR suffers. So I don't drizzle.


Offline jkmorse

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Re: How much can Drizzle Integration help for too big pixels?
« Reply #2 on: 2016 October 19 09:40:21 »

In the past I used an 8300 with a Takahashi e130D that gave me a resolution of 2.56arcsec/pixel and it was perfect for Drizzle.  Your 2.75 should be equally sound.

Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
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Offline hattl

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Re: How much can Drizzle Integration help for too big pixels?
« Reply #3 on: 2016 October 20 05:53:56 »
Hello Mike, hello Jim,

thank you very much for your answers!

Good idea to do a test with binning!

Best regards
