Great expert help from you both!
Also thanks for the excelent link with a lot of helpful technical informations.
The topic 'bias' is now clear and i know all what is importand for my first steps with PI.
My understanding all around 'darks' is now much better. I'll try to create a library of dark-masters sorted by Date/Quarter (representing the temperature), ISO and Exposure-Time. The future will show me wether this way is OK for my claim of image qualitity.
Sad to know I have to shoot flats every photo-session again. Bad not really bad. Because it takes not so a long time to shoot the required number of images.
And that's now the last open topic:
How much flats I need?
It's really controvers what others say about this. Even about darks.
Do you think it's OK to take the half of light images?
That means: 100 Lights -> 50 Flats
Darks and bias I'm planing to take 100 images of every "type" (see above) as basis for the master(s).
I'm really a hobby-photographer without professional equipment or the possibility to spend to much 'night-time' for my hobby.
My demands on the quality of the images aren't so high like for an expert. Until now ...