I have been successfully solving them individually using the "active window".
I also just tried solving a single image (#1 top right of mosaic) using the "list of files" method and the same settings, and it solved fine. I started adding files - 2 worked fine, 3 worked fine. Note that they were all adjacent panels, and the I think that because I first did one by itself, the "image parameters" were remembering the first panel's RA/Dec.
I then tried all 20 panels, and only the first 5 (the first column of the 4x5 mosaic) solved, all others failed.
It appears that when using "list of files" it's not picking up on the individual panels' RA/Dec from its headers, but rather it seems to be using the RA/Dec from the "image parameters" fields.
Tested this theory by solving individual frame #20 at the bottom left of mosaic. Solved fine. Then tried solving all 20. The "image parameters" were still there from the individual frame. It solved 3 of the 20 frames - frame #20 and frames #19 and #15, both adjacent to #20.
Not sure how the code is written, but if using a list of files, despite what it says in the "image parameters" fields, shouldn't the script be picking up on each file's RA/Dec headers? It doesn't seem to be doing that.