Author Topic: Colour Calibrating a Daylight Moon  (Read 1965 times)

Offline Scooot

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Colour Calibrating a Daylight Moon
« on: 2016 September 23 04:31:10 »
Hi all,

I'm still very much a pixinsight beginner but I have been learning a lot by processing my DSLR luna images, calibrating and integrating them with FFT registration and then processing them. The night time shots have been coming out quite well.

However I have taken a couple of daylight moon images and I find it very difficult to replicate the blue background sky. Background neutralisation followed by a normal colour calibration leaves the background sky black or very dark. I have played around with the assisted colour calibration but I find it very difficult and time consuming.
I wonder if anyone can give me some guidance on an easy way of colour calibrating a daylight moon image to quickly attain a blue background sky, if such a method exists.

Thanks for any help.