Author Topic: PIxinsight in Linux - file access  (Read 2213 times)

Offline LarryC

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PIxinsight in Linux - file access
« on: 2016 September 19 12:58:58 »
I have Linux Mint runing on my Windows 10 PC.  All of my several TBs of imaging data, process icons and output files are in Windows NTFS folders/drives.  I can browse and open files my entire PC from the Linux desktop, but in PI I can not browse any of the Windows folders and therefore can't open any data or icon files.  Is this a PI limitation or do I have a setting wrong somewhere?


Offline Greg Schwimer

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Re: PIxinsight in Linux - file access
« Reply #1 on: 2016 September 19 17:30:07 »
Disclaimer - I have not done what you're doing (yet) but I do know linux quite well.

My guess is you're accessing your windows files through an icon that was created on your desktop when you first logged in. The OS will detect mountable media (disk volumes, USB drives, etc) and present them as being available in this way. This is similar to OSX. The problem with this is that it doesn't always make it obvious how to access this from programs like PI.

If I'm using Linux to access other OS partitions regularly via scripts and software like PI, I prefer to create a fixed mount point. The first thing you need to do is determine which partition your windows data is on. From there you simply edit the file /etc/fstab and add that partition to a mount point.

Some helpful information is here:

If you really get stuck PM me - if you can get a screen share going I can probably help you out.

- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Offline LarryC

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Re: PIxinsight in Linux - file access
« Reply #2 on: 2016 September 19 22:09:39 »
Thanks for the tip and offer. 

Linux is completely new to me and there's a lot I haven't figured out.  I will look into creating a fixed mount point - thanks for the link.  If I can't figure out that process I may take you up on your offer. 
