i think using only a master bias would be a situation of last resort - you forgot to take darks or have no matching darks but want do at least do what calibration you can do.
all dark subs contain both the bias signal and the dark signal. so if you don't plan on scaling the darks, there's really no reason to use a master bias. just subtract an uncalibrated master dark from the lights and you're done.
so i'd add a 4th option: calibrate the lights with a master dark of matching temperature and duration, plus use a master flat. probably the best way to do this (if your flats are short-duration) is to first make bias-calibrated flat subs, then integrate them into a master flat. otherwise if the flats are longer than a few seconds, calibrate the flat subs with darks that match the flat duration. of course the master dark should be made from uncalibrated dark subs. then when you run IC on the lights, do not specify a master bias, specify the master dark, but leave "calibrate" and "optimize" unchecked, and specify the master flat, but leave "calibrate" unchecked.