Author Topic: New Object-Oriented Tutorials  (Read 3834 times)

Offline Warhen

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New Object-Oriented Tutorials
« on: 2016 July 11 08:07:40 »
Dear forum friends, is excited to announce the release of our first ever Object Oriented videos. Here, Warren steps us through a project of NGC 3166-3169. We've done this in Podcast format with live interaction between Warren and Pete in an off-script 'OnDaFly' session.

The tutorials feature one of Warren's APOD images and goes through its workflow in detail. We dig into each process, discussing choices made along the way. Warren uses the power of PixInsight's Project feature along with the History Explorer to step you through process settings with real-time examples of the results.

The first 4 parts of this miniseries weigh in at just under 2 hours. This departure from our succinct, scripted tutorial format will give you great 'insight' into Warren's personal workflow, and help bring elements of our award winning tutorial series together. So, grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and enjoy our 'OnDaFly' Processing Podcast Parts 1 through 4.

Subscribers to our Monthly Subscription Service can view the tutorial at We've offered the first in the series to non-subscribers at no charge. If you think this style of tutorials would be helpful to you, subscribe today-

As always, thanks for your support! We would love some feedback on this format.

Clear skies,
Warren Keller and Pete Proulx

*PLEASE NOTE: Because of their length, these tutorials may take as long as a minute to load after you press play.?
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

Offline Warhen

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Re: New Object-Oriented Tutorials
« Reply #1 on: 2016 July 28 10:30:45 »
We're getting really nice feedback on these 'Ondafly', unscripted walk-thrus of a project, in a podcast-type format. Here's what some of our community has said-

Thanks I learned everything from you. I am excited and would love to see critique webinars. Thanks.

A fan,


Peter - my purchase of the PI tutorials and your follow-up support make this one of the best values in the history of Earth.  Thanks to you and Warren.

Cheers, Ron

Hi Warren & Pete,

Great. It was very useful see the step by step process and to hear the thinking behind each stage. It was also an excellent reminder to revisit (yet again) the initial tutorials and to correct elementary mistakes. e.g. “how  to select a decent  White Reference for colour calibration!” (The fault of my poor memory of what was presented, certainly not what was actually in the module PI 19). I’m looking forward to the rest of modules and hope you can find time to produce more in this format.

Thanks again,



Hello Peter,

The tutos are excellent, I want to say thank you!... Following the examples of the 6 part tutorial, I managed to process one of my more recent acquisitions into this result... I have to say, seeing an actual work flow after going through through the other tutorials has made a huge difference, because we're not only blindly copying Warren but understanding each process used, why and how to better adapt it to our own image - and I had been using Pixinsight for about 4 years. So thanks again guys, and keep them coming! I have recommended your website to my friends too.



Hi Pete and Warren,
that's simply great!!! This really helped me so much.
Please continue,



I just finished watching the NGC3166-3169 Miniseries. I have gone through all 3 tutorial series and this was the icing on the cake! Watching the step by step processing details with explanations of the whys really brought things together for me. Great Job!

Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller