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General / Re: PixInsight has suddenly started not to update
« Last post by steve banbury on 2020 March 02 10:44:48 »
Updating to Version 1.8.8-5 resolved all my issues.
General / Re: Difficulty in installing updates to Ver
« Last post by steve banbury on 2020 March 02 10:42:52 »
I did update to 1.8.8-5 over the weekend, and all went perfectly. 
I consider the issue closed.
Thanks for your suggestion!
Bug Reports / Cannot Attach Image To A Post
« Last post by dave_galera on 2020 March 02 10:34:53 »
Further to this problem, and to assist Juan, I have been on the SMF forum support and they have come back with the following possible fixes for this problem:

you issue is -- with fair certainty -- the issue noted in the first response.
Your system is choking on memory...  if the mod didn't help, then I suggest checking with your host.
Yes the memory was indeed the problem in my idea how but it was trying to allocate waaaay too much ram and after I adjusted it from its enormous amount down to 1024 for each forum the members can attach images to their posts again.

try installing and see if it helps.

I have had to start a new thread as experimenting with the original thread and attaching various images has blown it up.....sorry!!
General / Re: Color moire in integrated image.
« Last post by dave_galera on 2020 March 02 10:31:40 »
I ahve received the following responses to this attachment problem

you issue is -- with fair certainty -- the issue noted in the first response.
Your system is choking on memory...  if the mod didn't help, then I suggest checking with your host.
Yes the memory was indeed the problem in my idea how but it was trying to allocate waaaay too much ram and after I adjusted it from its enormous amount down to 1024 for each forum the members can attach images to their posts again.

try installing and see if it helps.
Thanks Bernd,

Will do, and I'll let you know.

Bug Reports / Re: Solver error? Resolution wrong calculated
« Last post by niteman1946 on 2020 March 02 10:24:10 »
Hi Tommy,

hope you don't mind me jumping in here.
If this is not relevant, let me know.

When doing PCC, this has always been my procedure (my only way to make it work):
1.  type in the optical train's focal length and the camera's pixel size
2.  then, go to Search Coordinates and type in the targets name (i.e. NGC1579) for coordinates

Reading Juan's comments, I went back to a recent image and tried again the Acquire from Image button, and still no love.
However, using a single sub did produce the correct parameters.  Also using an integrated image provided the
parameters.  However, once the integrated image is cropped, then the data is no longer available.

I've noticed also, and it makes sense, that the coordinates from the "named" target are slightly different than those "acquired".
 But apparently not so much to make a difference.

From here on I'll be bringing at least an individual sub along to define the parameters.

Hope this helps,

Hi Dean,

Bug confirmed, thank you for reporting it. This is now fixed with an update I've just released for all platforms.
Thanks a lot Rob for the information!!  I'll await an update.
Very Appreciated!
General / Unshading process windows does not activate it
« Last post by Rainer on 2020 March 02 09:53:13 »

I have noticed that unshading a shaded process windows does not activate it automatically anymore in version 1.8.8-5

In version 1.8.8-4 when I unshaded a process and clicked left mouse on Add files only one click was necessary to open the windows explorer window.

Now in version 1.8.8-5, I have to click twice left mouse until the windows window opens. First left click activates window and second left mouse click opens the window ...

Is there somewhere in the Global preferences some chekmark which I need to activate so I can live with one left mouse click ?

Same happens after having run the process when clicking on Clear ... and some other fields

Thank You

New Scripts and Modules / Re: Starnet++ Installation on iMac Running Catalina
« Last post by pfile on 2020 March 02 09:48:01 »
hi there is an active thread about this already.

as released the module will not work against -5 due to new apple security requirements. the dylib i made for nikita is not signed, therefore OSX won't allow it to be loaded. juan has indicated that he will sign the module but he has to go download it and do the work.

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