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General / Re: Give me a reason to stay....please!!!
« Last post by tdgm on 2020 March 02 22:33:18 »
Hi Rodd

Have you looked into the blending script which is supposed to be exactly like using high pass filters etc of Photoshop in PixInsight. Adam Block is a big user of the script maybe try to ask him.

New Scripts and Modules / Re: StarNet - new module for star removal
« Last post by eoverstreet on 2020 March 02 19:30:07 »
I have reverted back to the prior version of PI .....and everything is as it should be - all scripts working!    Hopefully in the not to distant future the script can be loaded.
General / Re: Give me a reason to stay....please!!!
« Last post by Pierre on 2020 March 02 19:17:06 »
All I have done with the set I mentioned was to select the lights and did a StarAlignment.

Do you have a copy of Warren Keller's book "Inside PixInsight"?
General / Re: Parallel disk processing in PixInsight (setup) questions
« Last post by Pierre on 2020 March 02 18:18:02 »
There is a limit that HD hardware puts on the speed of write and read of the drive. Just adding either partitions or files to the drive does not change this. Once you hit the limit, you are done. To increase your speed you have to have separate swap files on separate drives. Even in doing this you will still hit a hard limit, as the MB has transfer limits as well.  I was hoping to post a screen shot of the page but the forum did not allow.
Go the Edit - Global Preferences - Directories and Networks
On the right side you will see “Swap storage directories”
Here you will add the file location of your swap files that you have made up on EACH drive, 1 per drive only.
Have tried 1 per drive and even with 3 drives I hit the wall, but replace the drives with Ramdisk and now you step up to another level!
Thank you Juan,

It seems has something to do with the machine. After I reboot the Mac Pro 5.1 the problem went away.

General / Mosaic Problems . . . Can't Image Solve after a crop?
« Last post by Terry Danks on 2020 March 02 17:24:26 »
I can use the Image Solver successfully on my integrated masters.
But after applying a very small crop to ensure cruddy edges are trimmed away, prior to mosaicing, Image Solver invariable fails?
Bug Reports / Re: Solver error? Resolution wrong calculated
« Last post by tommy_nawratil on 2020 March 02 16:32:02 »
hi Mark,

thanks for the input! Does it mean you also have a problem here, and its not only me?
My workaround is simple: Let the image solver script do the solving, and PCC will take these values automatically.
Sometimes I also use Hartmut Bornemanns FluXX script for color calibration, it does the solving right, too.

New Scripts and Modules / Re: StarNet - new module for star removal
« Last post by pfile on 2020 March 02 15:29:31 »
well no one actually said the problem was due to a change in OSX. the requirement for any dynamic library loaded by an application to be cryptographically signed by a valid apple developer is a compile-time option for applications.

the older versions of PI do not enforce this rule, but the newer versions do. that's all. that's why -4 and prior work and -5 (and presumably beyond) won't be able to load any third-party PI processes unless they were signed. i would sign it myself but i have to pay $100 so that apple will provide me with a certificate. since juan already has a developer certificate the most cost effective method is for him to sign the starnet dylib.

New Scripts and Modules / Re: StarNet - new module for star removal
« Last post by tdgm on 2020 March 02 15:23:55 »
I might not know programing but I too have the most up to date Mac OSX Mojave and with PixInsight everything works fine and StarNet Installs> It is when I install the NEW PixInsight that the problem occurs (still on Mojave.

So the new PI has problems with an older Mac and also a newer Mac. So logic would presume that it is PixInsght not Mac that has changed.

Thanks Juan for your rapid response.  Cheers, Dean
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