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General / Re: Another Mosaicing problem . . .GMM Making a Mess
« Last post by pfile on 2020 March 03 09:04:50 »
GMM just does what it does blindly, with what it's given. so it means the input images don't line up right.

i think andres has addressed problems like this before - you need to configure ImageSolver to do Distortion Correction, and then also i think tell MosaicByCoordinates to use high quality registration. i think that takes care of distortions such as yours.

General / Another Mosaicing problem . . .GMM Making a Mess
« Last post by Terry Danks on 2020 March 03 08:51:55 »
Seems were are still unable to attach images to the forum??

To get around that, I link to an image uploaded to my personal web site:

It shows the results, before and after, of a registered WCS file from the MBC tool when the GMM tool is run to knit two panels together.
The GMM process seems to have turned all fainter stars into doubles, with really faint stars appearing as streaks, as if they were trailed.
It is not really apparent at a "normal" viewing magnification. The degree of magnification can be judged by the sliders.
Is this to be considered a normal result of GMM? Is there a setting to minimize, or eliminate it?
General / Re: Mosaic Problems . . . Can't Image Solve after a crop?
« Last post by Terry Danks on 2020 March 03 08:22:21 »
Hi Bernd:
Many thanks for your detailed reply. It is most appreciated.

I went to bed scratching my head over this problem last night. It just made no sense. Furthermore, I have recently completed a mosaic comprised of 21 frames using IS, MBC and GMM and had no such difficulty solving after a small crop to ensure proper fit of the panels.

This AM, after reading your reply, I tried again to use Image Solver on a frame after a small crop, actually the very same cropped files from last night  . . . and had no difficulty whatsoever! So, as far as I can tell, whatever "problem" existed was "solved" by the reboot when I turned the machine on this AM. I cannot imagine what that might have been?
Anyhow, that difficulty is solved. Now I have another . . . a new topic for that one.
Thank-you, again.
General / Re: RANSAC Errors - Help Please
« Last post by ghooper on 2020 March 03 07:58:52 »
Thank you Dave. I'll give this a try. From what I understand these settings are available in StarAlignment. May I assume that your recommendation involves using Batch Preprocessing script selecting "calibrate only", and performing image registration and integration using StarAlignment?
General / Re: RANSAC Errors - Help Please
« Last post by dave_galera on 2020 March 03 07:50:06 »
John Gill suggested using the following values to get around this:

Star Detection
 - Detection scales 3
 - Noise scales 0
 - Hot pixel removal 1
 - Noise reduction 5
 - Log sensitivity -1.00
 - Peak response 1.0
 - Maximum distortion 0.500
 - Upper limit 1.00

Star Matching
 - RANSAC tolerance 7.00
General / RANSAC Errors - Help Please
« Last post by ghooper on 2020 March 03 06:59:34 »
I am a new PixInsight licensee. I am working through Warren Keller's Inside PixInsight. I'm having great difficulty with the same problem on all my datasets in BatchPreprocessing. The whole process works perfectly until the calibration of lights, when I get RANSAC errors - Unable to find a valid set of star pair matches. I have no problems in processing the same files, and their associated calibration files using DSS. There must be something that I am not getting, or doing wrong. I'm wondering if there's anybody who can help me see my error.

Thank you.

Bug Reports / Re: Can't download free trial
« Last post by Juan Conejero on 2020 March 03 06:43:53 »
This problem is now fixed and our software distribution system is working correctly again.

I made a small mistake in a server configuration file during a maintenance task this morning, which has been causing these warnings and preventing file downloads. I have fixed it so you can log in again to download your installation files. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bug Reports / Re: Can't download free trial
« Last post by dave_galera on 2020 March 03 05:35:18 »
These are just warning messages and can be ignored, they are just warning about pending functionality removal in PHP and MySQL.

Did the download actually take place?
General / Issues with Photometric Color Calibration after update
« Last post by johnk on 2020 March 03 04:36:35 »
Hi everyone,

Having issues with being unable to use Photometric Color Calibration after updating my version of Pixinsight. In fact, I opened a project I created in the previous version of the same image I am processing and I still came across the same issue even though previously had been able to do this which is very odd!

The error message is below - have tried to play with the settings by changing the catalog, and changing the Log (Sensitivity) and the Automatic Limiting Magnitude. The detected star image that is generated shows essentially a noisy version of the image that is active.

Star search aperture: 8.63 pixels
1 view(s)
12 star(s)
0 PSF fittings
*** Error: Failure to process image file 'C:/Users/Toshiba - 355676/AppData/Local/Temp/PCC_B_T26JCM7MU0M1.xisf': Could not locate any stars in the image

Photometry process finished:
   0 of 3 images processed successfully.
   3 images with errors.
   3 errors and warnings.

*** Error: Failure to calculate photometry: Image17
Reading swap files...
1619.118 MiB/s
<* failed *>

Very odd!

Hope someone can assist.

Clear skies.

John K.
Bug Reports / Can't download free trial
« Last post by MrRedef on 2020 March 03 04:33:59 »
I got the credentials to download the free trial of PI but when I click on the download link (for every OS) I got this error message:

Code: [Select]
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/pixins5/public_html/dist/download.php on line 47

Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/pixins5/public_html/dist/download.php on line 37

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/pixins5/public_html/dist/download.php:47) in /home/pixins5/public_html/dist/auth.php on line 58

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