PixInsight Forum (historical)

PixInsight => Image Processing Challenges => Topic started by: avandonk on 2015 May 03 17:41:50

Title: Lagoon Trifid in RGB
Post by: avandonk on 2015 May 03 17:41:50
Data 15x5 min for each of RGB.

I routinely use RBI at the lowest practical sensor temperature. Dithering is also used. My master bias is from 100 frames and the master dark from 60 frames. The master flat is also produced by at least 30 frames. This minimises injecting noise into data.

Full size image here. 14Mb


Fit data here 32 bit 161MB



Astrograph is an Officina Stellare RH200 which has a focal length of 600mm and is F3. Clear aperture is 200mm.
FLI Atlas Focuser.
FLI ten position filter wheel CFW-3-10 with 50mm square filters.
Astrodon E series LRGB and HA, NII, SII and OIII 3nm NB filters. Also a continuum filter 5nm.
Camera is a FLI PL16803 which has a sensor size 36.8 X 36.8 mm.
The FoV of this system is 3.5 X 3.5 degrees.
Mount is a Software Bisque PMX.
Title: Re: Lagoon Trifid in RGB
Post by: Zocky on 2015 May 04 13:31:53
Nice image.
Can you provide equipment info?