PixInsight Forum (historical)
PixInsight => General => Topic started by: -Amenophis- on 2018 June 18 12:54:42
A concern when aligning my images with the "MosaicByCoordinate" process.
This is 14 images in Ha.
v01.08.05.1352 Ripley (x64)
MacBookPro 3.1GHz Intel Core i7
16Go 1867MHz DDR3
Thank you for your help :)
No way to solve my problem?
Thank you :)
MosaicByCoordinates says that the resulting images have a size of more than 200000x200000 pixels. I don't know why this is the case, but you can try reducing the resolution (increasing its value ;) ).
Thank you :)
How to reduce the resolution ?
Strange, this is the first time it happens to me.
I do not see if a step gives this error.
1 °) Calibration of the all images
2 °) Cosmetic correction
3 °) ImageSolver on the best image with distortion model
4 °) Make ImageSolver on all the images with the distortion model
5 °) Align with MosaicbyCoordinate
MBC gives you the option to either compute everything automatically (center of mosaic, image scale, etc.) or to specify these things. as andres says, for whatever reason MBC has computed a huge size (or you have specified a huge size) for the mosaic. it simply requires too much memory to compute each pane (200000x200000x4bytes = 150GBytes each)
Thank you very much :)
problem resolved