Commercial License

License Data

Please enter your personal data in the form below. This data will identify you as a PixInsight user on our system. Note that this data can differ from the data you specify when you pay with your credit card or PayPal account. In other words, the license owner and payer can be different.

You must enter your real, verifiable name and address. If we detect fake data, we reserve the right to disable the license and associated user account without refund. We also reserve the right to initiate legal actions as necessary in such cases.

Users from China: Please contact us to purchase a license. All licenses purchased from China require our manual identity verification.

Email address
Confirm email
First name
Last name
Street address
State / Province
ZIP / Postal code

Invoice Data

The data in this form will be used to generate an invoice for your purchase. Leave the Same as user data check box checked if you want an invoice generated for the user's identity. Uncheck the check box if you want the invoice generated with different data, such as the data of a company or institution.

If you enter a valid EU VAT number verifiable with VIES, we'll charge no VAT to your purchase. For countries not part of the European Union, VAT numbers are not verified and no VAT is charged. You will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided.

Same as user data
Email address
Confirm email
First name
Last name
Company name
Street address
State / Province
ZIP / Postal code
VAT Number