The PixInsight Benchmark

Benchmark Report

Benchmark Identification
Serial number W950N5D7KK8GK7BH7JJIWL93J2DEJIS4
Benchmark version 1.00.08
Report date 2025/03/02 19:24:21 UTC
CPU Identification
CPU vendor GenuineIntel
CPU model Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00GHz
System Information
Platform Windows
Operating system Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Core version PixInsight Core 1.9.2 (x64)
Logical processors 8
Total memory size 31.921 GiB
Execution Times
Total time 84.60 s
CPU time 26.86 s
Swap time 57.72 s
Swap transfer rate 287.158 MiB/s
Performance Indexes
Total performance 5560
CPU performance 14093
Swap performance 1590
Additional Information
Swap disks 1TB SSD with 374 GB free space (no other data on make/model)
Motherboard ASUS unknown model
Machine description Custom built about 7 years old; company out of business
Comments Windows 10 Pro desktop on last legs; Will replace with better performance machine following Pixinsight guidelines