The PixInsight Benchmark

Benchmark Report

Benchmark Identification
Serial number P406O9G23RP15Q4H3H0U1RY4S899265R
Benchmark version 1.00.08
Report date 2020/03/29 03:16:28 UTC
CPU Identification
CPU vendor GenuineIntel
CPU model Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz
System Information
Platform Windows
Operating system Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Core version PixInsight Core 1.8.8-5 (x64)
Logical processors 4
Total memory size 19.883 GiB
Execution Times
Total time 123.42 s
CPU time 103.43 s
Swap time 19.90 s
Swap transfer rate 832.797 MiB/s
Performance Indexes
Total performance 3811
CPU performance 3659
Swap performance 4612
Additional Information
Swap disks Samsung SSD 840 EVO 128GB
Machine description Lenovo Laptop with an Intel Core i3-8145 CPU, Built-In GPU and 20GB of DDR4 RAM (2400MHz)