Benchmark Identification
Serial number |
IE65Q7NPT7OG1TK13YU93866ES5BW99F |
Benchmark version |
1.00.08 |
Report date |
2024/01/15 02:16:31 UTC |
CPU Identification
CPU vendor |
GenuineIntel |
CPU model |
VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz |
System Information
Platform |
MacOSX |
Operating system |
macOS 14.2.1 23C71 |
Core version |
PixInsight Core 1.8.9-2 (x64) |
Logical processors |
10 |
Total memory size |
64.000 GiB |
Execution Times
Total time |
31.47 s |
CPU time |
28.25 s |
Swap time |
3.17 s |
Swap transfer rate |
5231.360 MiB/s |
Performance Indexes
Total performance |
14946 |
CPU performance |
13399 |
Swap performance |
28974 |
Additional Information
Swap disks |
Apple Studio M1 Max internal SSD x 4 folders |
Motherboard |
Apple Studio M1 Max 64 |
Machine description |
Apple Studio M1 Max 64 |
Comments |
Apple Studio M1 Max 64 GB with 4 x Swap Folders on the M1 SSD.
Running MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71) |