The PixInsight Benchmark

Benchmark Report

Benchmark Identification
Serial number 7UKX94VWO77A73IP6K5FNECCPI6WR1NV
Benchmark version 1.00.08
Report date 2023/06/29 00:49:51 UTC
CPU Identification
CPU vendor GenuineIntel
CPU model Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
System Information
Platform MacOSX
Operating system macOS 13.4.1 22F82
Core version PixInsight Core 1.8.9-1 (x64)
Logical processors 8
Total memory size 64.000 GiB
Execution Times
Total time 49.38 s
CPU time 43.49 s
Swap time 5.85 s
Swap transfer rate 2832.750 MiB/s
Performance Indexes
Total performance 9525
CPU performance 8703
Swap performance 15689
Additional Information
Swap disks OWC 2TB NVMe drive
Machine description 2017 iMac 27" 4.2 GHz quad core i7 with 64GB of RAM and AMD 580 Pro GPU with 8GB VRAM