The PixInsight Benchmark

Benchmark Report

Benchmark Identification
Serial number 7PM658XQN78M2N326BLF8L4V2WLDQ55M
Benchmark version 1.00.08
Report date 2023/11/15 06:16:15 UTC
CPU Identification
CPU vendor GenuineIntel
CPU model VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz
System Information
Platform MacOSX
Operating system macOS 14.1.1 23B81
Core version PixInsight Core 1.8.9-2 (x64)
Logical processors 10
Total memory size 32.000 GiB
Execution Times
Total time 32.10 s
CPU time 28.85 s
Swap time 3.19 s
Swap transfer rate 5198.340 MiB/s
Performance Indexes
Total performance 14654
CPU performance 13120
Swap performance 28791
Additional Information
Swap disks Hard Drive/Solid State Drive: 1TB SSD storage
Motherboard Processor and Graphics: M1 Max with 10C CPU, 24C GPU Memory: 32GB unified memory
Machine description MacBook Pro 14.2 SG, May 2022.