The PixInsight Benchmark

Benchmark Report

Benchmark Identification
Serial number 1W7NUVO7669SP1D2XA4LY1PTEB08GV88
Benchmark version 1.00.07
Report date 2015/04/22 13:56:16 UTC
CPU Identification
CPU vendor GenuineIntel
CPU model Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
System Information
Platform Windows
Operating system Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
Core version PixInsight Core (x64)
Logical processors 8
Total memory size 15.942 GiB
Execution Times
Total time 91.91 s
CPU time 56.34 s
Swap time 35.54 s
Swap transfer rate 466.344 MiB/s
Performance Indexes
Total performance 5118
CPU performance 6718
Swap performance 2583
Additional Information
Swap disks Samsung 840 Evo 250GB
Motherboard MSI Z87-G45
Machine description Custom build. 4770K overclocked to 4.0 GHz