Processing Examples
PixInsight processing examples and tutorials have been authored by PTeam members and expert users. Each example has been organized as an independent set of HTML documents and images.
Examples are step-by-step descriptions of actual processing works, test cases and exercises. These documents focus on the practical usage and applications of diverse tools and techniques in PixInsight. In some cases processing examples include raw images and PSM files that you can use to reproduce the described procedures with PixInsight.

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Processing Notes
Advanced image processing example by Vicent Peris (PTeam/OAUV) and Alicia Lozano

Messier 31 H-alpha Processing Notes
Advanced image processing example by Vicent Peris (PTeam/OAUV) and Alicia Lozano

Deconvolution and Noise Reduction Example with M81 and M82
Processing example by Juan Conejero (PTeam)
With data acquired by Harry Page

NGC6914 with Calar Alto Observatory
Advanced image processing example and PixInsight processing notes by Vicent Peris (OAUV/CAHA/PTeam)

M57 with Calar Alto Observatory
Advanced image processing example and PixInsight processing notes by Vicent Peris (OAUV/CAHA/PTeam)

NGC 7331 with Calar Alto 3.5-meter Telescope and the LAICA Camera
Advanced image processing example and PixInsight workflow description by Vicent Peris (OAUV/CAHA/PTeam)