PixInsight JavaScript Runtime
The PixInsight JavaScript Runtime (PJSR) is an ECMA 262-5 compliant environment readily available in the PixInsight core application.
PJSR is based on a custom embedding of the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine by Mozilla Corporation. The current versions 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 of PixInsight use the SpiderMonkey 24 engine. Currently we are working on migrating to SpiderMonkey 38 for PixInsight 1.8.4.
PJSR: Integrated JavaScript Image Processing Development Platform
PJSR allows advanced users to create their own tools to meet their specific needs, try out new algorithms, generate high-quality graphics, and perform complex tasks involving thousands of images. Many scripts already form part of the standard PixInsight distribution to implement mission-critical tasks such as batch image preprocessing, batch image analysis, image grading, plate solving, image annotation and 3-D rendering, just to name some well-known examples.
Scripting makes the PixInsight platform much more powerful and versatile. Imagine for example, that you have to open and process one hundred images, adapting the applied processes to individual image properties: wouldn't it be easier to have a script that makes it for you?
The Script Editor interface is an integrated development environment that includes a fully configurable code editor, syntax highlighting, an object browser tree that provides access to all properties and methods of core and installed objects, code completion, and much more.
Scripts are smoothly integrated with the whole PixInsight platform: all installed processes are automatically scriptable. You can apply any sequence of processes to an image, extract its processing history, and generate a script automatically with just a couple clicks. Imagine the power of this: imagine the power of your creativity.
PJSR Reference Documentation
We are working hard to complete a first online version of the PJSR Reference Documentation. Please stay tuned for updates on this page, and thank you for your patience.
GitLab PJSR Repository
Open-source JavaScript components of PixInsight are only available at our official GitLab repositories.
If you are a software developer interested in PixInsight, you can become a contributor by sending us your GitLab user account name. If you have authored some PixInsight modules or scripts, we'll be glad to check them for their inclusion in the official repositories.